‘Modern’ Bajan Pudding and Souse from Barbados

Pudding and souse is a lesser know dish from Barbados but very popular nonetheless. This is my more non-traditional take on the dish, perfect to enjoy on a nice sunny Saturday day.


The pudding in pudding and souse is traditionally made using pig intestine, but I would say most modern versions do not use this.

As with all things on the island, things can vary household to household and this includes recipes. Some people add browning to their pudding for the colour, others may add or leave out marjoram. I recommend tweaking until you get the flavour and look you desire. Remember, cooking is an experience!


Now although souse is typically made using well.. pork. I don’t really eat pork and a popular ‘modern’ variation is using chicken. This is then known as ‘pickled wings’ but I’m so used to calling it souse, it’s hard for me to say anything different. Besides.. pudding and pickled wings doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Now, as before, the ingredients vary from household to household – I tend to use sweet peppers in my pickle mix, but traditionally this isn’t needed. Do what you want! As I said in previous posts, take my recipes of more as a guide or a foundation and build about them for your taste and needs.

Modern Pudding and Souse

To sum up, the recipe below is what I do (and what I can get my hands on in the U.K.). A great tip is to do the pickle the night before and let the meat ‘draw’, ready for lunch the next day.

There are other versions/iterations of Pudding and Souse throughout the Caribbean – be sure to check it out!

PS. pudding and souse is normally served with some breadfruit. As I’m not in the Caribbean, I do not have easy access to this and therefore have not prepared it.

Make sure to watch the YouTube video!

Modern Bajan Pudding and Souse

Traditional pudding and souse using modern methods!
Cook Time 1 hour 45 minutes
Servings 5 people



  • 4 – 5 cups grated sweet potato fine
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 3 cups boiled water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper ground
  • 1 tbsp spring onion

'Souse'/ Pickle

  • 1 kg chicken wings
  • 1/2 cup spring onion
  • 1/2 green sweet pepper optional
  • 1/2 red sweet pepper optional
  • 3 limes juice
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 tsp salt to taste
  • 1/2 scotch bonnet pepper
  • 1 cup strained liquid from chicken optional



  • Add all ingredients to grated potato and mix
  • Place into greased container, cover and cook
  • Cook for 90 minutes, stirring halfway.


  • Mix all prepped ingredients into bowl
  • Add meat
  • Taste and adjust as needed
  • Optional – leave overnight for stronger flavour


  • I have used a food processor for quicker prep